American Chemical Society (ACS)
Madeleine Jacobs, Executive Director
Organization Information
phone: 800-227-5558
fax: 202-872-4600
The American Chemical Society (ACS) is the professional center for professional and academic chemists in all fields. Founded in 1976, the ACS has 187 local chapters that help members connect with colleagues, participate in local professional development programs, and attend regional meetings. The national biannual meetings, held every spring and fall, comprise five days of panels, tutorials and academic sessions in every area of chemistry, chemical engineering and biochemistry. These meetings allow chemists to attend tutorials with well-known experts, take part in policy making and hands on-workshops in all specialties of chemistry. The ACS is a global organization, representing more than 100 countries which gathers every five years, together with the Chemical Congress of Pacific Basin Societies (PacifiChem), the world’s largest international chemistry conference, and ACS counterparts in Australia, Canada, Japan, Korea, New Zealand and China. The American Chemical Society supports nonprofit initiatives such as Project Seed, the ACS Scholars program, and Green Chemistry Education and Outreach, focusing on funding economically disadvantaged chemistry students in high school and college programs, and promoting environmentally sustainable chemical engineering and initiatives.